Are you part of a two-income couple? If so, one of the easiest ways to create a budget is to live on one person’s income and save all of the other person’s. Let’s say, for example, you and your spouse are both working outside of the home. One of you earns $40,000 per year, and the other earns $60,000 per year. At this point, you are accustomed to living on both of your incomes. To turbo-charge your finances, consider weaning yourself off of that. Take the First Step As your first goal, the two of you should aim to live on the higher of the two incomes. Rather than living on $100,000 a year combined, try living on $60,000 a year. If you can achieve this, you’ve just increased your savings rate substantially. You’re now saving $40,000 annually before taxes. Take It a Step Further If you want to become even more ambitious, try living on the lower of the two incomes. After you become accustomed to living on $60,000 a year, start saving the higher of the two incomes and living on the s...